In 1988 Giorgio Notturno and Marcello Di Gregorio – the first historical and unforgettable real estate broker of Città Sant’Angelo and the second at the time young professional and business consultant – give life to LaTorre real estate, active both in the territory of Città Sant’Angelo and in the neighboring countries.
Right now this reality is able to capture and take care of the interests of many people wishing to realize the dream of a home in the green and charming hills of the territory of Città Sant’Angelo, as well as assisting companies of national importance in the search for investments real estate appropriate to their business. Since then, the LaTorre agency, with seriousness and competence recognized by a loyal clientele, has come to date renewing itself in the corporate role but remaining faithful to the principles of honesty and competence that have distinguished the work in these thirty years.
In 2010 La Torre draws new resources from the energies of Francesco Di Gregorio, which carries out the profession of mediator alongside the studies in economics and commerce. Francesco gives the Agency the indispensable linguistic skills in a market that is increasingly inclined to welcome clients and capital from abroad. In 2014, the then twenty-two year old Giulia Di Gregorio entered the agency, which, thanks to her passion and skills, over time became a real reference point for customers. The seat has remained the historical one, along the main course of Città Sant’Angelo: Corso Vittorio Emanuele, n.49. Here, together with LaTorre real estate, you will find the Di Gregorio business office which, in case of need, can provide you with useful advice in all the steps of the sale, purchase or rental of your properties.